
Sciatica refers to pain that radiates down the back of your leg, originating from your lower back. It's a very common condition and can be quite intense.

Identifying the root cause of your sciatica is crucial for developing the most effective treatment plan. The pain may result from a herniated or prolapsed disc, nerve compression in your lower back, or muscle tension around the spine and pelvis. In some cases, sciatica may arise from narrowing around the nerves in the back.

Although rare, more serious underlying causes of sciatica do exist. Our thorough assessments are designed to detect these, and if necessary, we will promptly refer you to a specialist.

Sciatica pain can be intense and debilitating, but with accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment, relief can often be achieved quickly.

Once we determine the cause of your sciatica, treatment options may include:

- Reassurance and guidance (this can have a significant positive impact)
- Advice on activity and rest to improve comfort and sleep quality
- A structured exercise plan
- Manual therapy
- Soft tissue treatment
- Acupuncture
- Exercise-based rehabilitation
- Clinical Pilates, particularly for chronic or recurring cases
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